Graduate Student Opportunity
We are looking for enthusiastic and highly motivated PhD students to join our group in starting in the coming Spring or Fall semester. Students should have bachelor and masters degrees in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geoscience or a closely related field, and an interest to work in the area of large-scale hydrological modeling, climate change, and water resources and agricultural sustainability. For more information, please feel free to check our research areas, current projects, recent publications, and also the admission requirements.
Ideal candidates are expected to have strong background in hydrology and computational modeling and an expertise in data analysis and computer programming using Fortran, Python or similar programming languages. Strong past academic record (undergraduate and MS GPA) and test (GRE, TOEFL/IELTS) scores are expected.
NOTE: TOEFL/IELTS scores must meet minimum university requirements and a good GRE score is also required!
E-mail: ypokhrel [at]
Undergraduate Student Opportunity (For current MSU Students)
We are also looking for highly motivated undergraduate students to work on hydrological and water resources modeling projects (primarily to work during the summer as interns). Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us by email and include a CV and a brief statement of research interests that also outlines how your interests are in line with our ongoing works. For your application kindly email Dr. Huy Dang (huydang [at] and cc Dr. Amar Tiwari (tiwaria6 [at] and Yadu Pohrel. E-mail: ypokhrel [at]