- (Jan 2021): Our Nature Climate paper on “Climate Change, TWS, and Droughts” (Free version for reading) goes online, along with news coverage by hundreds of outlets including:
- Here is a clip of the interview with ABC News Australia!
- (Jan 2021): Dam and Floods paper led bu Julien Boulange published in Nature Communications! See related news here!
- (Dec 2020): Farshid’s WRR paper on groundwater in CLM accepted by WRR!
- (July 2020): Dr. Pokhrel is a part of a new Mekong Project (Mekong Culture WELL)!
- (July 2020): Dr. Pokhrel is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!!
- (May 2020): Dr. Pokhrel selected as one of the MSU Lilly Teaching Fellows (2020-2021).
- (Jan 2020): Dr. Pokhrel receives the University Teacher-Scholar Award.
- (Dec 2019): Dr. Pokhrel gets selected as the MSU Academic Communications Fellowship.
- (Dec. 2019): PhD student Farshid Felfelani Successfully defends his PhD dissertation.
- (June 2019): PhD student Sanghoon Shin successfully defends his PhD dissertation.
- (May 2019): MS student successfully defended his MS thesis.
- (March 2019): PhD Student Farshid Felfelani receives best poster award at the Engineering Graduate Symposium, 2019.
- (February 2019): PhD Student Farshid Felfelani receives Best Doctoral Student Award (CEE Department).
- (January 2019): Dr. Pokhrel receives the College of Engineering, Withrow Distinguished Scholar Award (Junior); read more here.
- (January 2019): PhD student Sanghoon Shin published a paper in WRR: Reservoir simulation over the continental US (Shin et al., 2019).
- (December 2018) Paper on assimilation of SMAP into CLM model to improve irrigation simulations published in GRL; Felfelali et al. (2018).
- December 10, 2018: “Mekong Flood Dynamics” paper published in Scientific Reports.
- Highlights by several media outlets:
- Covered by BBC World Service Radio
- Science Daily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/12/181215141341.htm
- Phys.org: https://phys.org/news/2018-12-trend.html
- EurekAlert: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-12/msu-adt121418.php
- MSU Today: https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2018/a-damming-trend/
- MSU Engineering News: https://www.egr.msu.edu/news/2018/12/14/damming-trend
- LongRoom.Com: https://www.longroom.com/discussion/1292793/a-damming-trend
- Highlights by several media outlets:
- December 10, 2018: “Mekong Flood Dynamics” paper published in Scientific Reports.
- May 28, 2018: Dr. Pokhrel receives the NSF CAREER award: https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2018/yadu-pokhrel-receives-prestigious-nsf-career-award/
- June 15, 2017: New article published in Nature Communications; see news on College of Engineering website.
- August 2016: Dr. Pokhrel delivers the “Distinguished Early Career Researcher Lecture” at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geoscience Society (http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2016/public.asp?page=lectures.htm).
- Invited Review paper published in WIREs:
- November 2015: Dr. Yadu Pokhrel selected as an MSU AGE Fellow: http://www.egr.msu.edu/news/2015/12/08/new-age-fellows
- August 2015: Technology Century magazine story on MSU Engineering website and social media: http://www.egr.msu.edu/news/2015/07/08/engineering-extremes
- June 2015: Research Highlight in Techology Century Magazine (see Page #23): http://issuu.com/techcentury/docs/tcv20n2
- Jan 2015: our recent work on groundwater pumping has been published in WRR.
- Our 2014 ERL paper has been highlighted in Environmental Research Round-up.
- Our 2012 Nature Geoscience Papers goes global with highlights on many major international media including The Guardian, UK and: