
Note: this page was developed by previous students based on their work and is not up to date!

Data Portals and Services:

  1. CUAHSI Data Portal:
  2. Figure sharing platform:
  3. EOMF:
  4. Water Data Portals:

B. Surface Datasets (Soil, Land Use, Crop, Irrigation):

  1. Soil Data:
  2. Land Cover Data:
  3. Leaf Area Index:
  4. Irrigated areas
  5. Crop Data (Earthstat, Ramankutty and Foley):
  6. USDA Crop Data Layer (CDL):
  7. Crop Calendar Data:

C. Reservoir Data:

  1. GRanD Database: Lehner et al. (2011)
  2. World Register of Dams (2003)

D. Precipitation Data:

  • GPCC
  • GPCP
  • PREC/L
  • TRMM
  • GPM
  • MSWEP (Beck et al., 2017, HESS)

E. Surface Water Data:

  1. Global Surface Water Explorer
  2. Global Surface Water: Pekel et al., 2016

F. Groundwater Data:

  1. Water Table Depth: Fan et al. (2012)
  2. GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage:
  3. IGRAC:

G. Other useful data

  1. Anthromes:
  2. SEDAC:
  3. NASA EarthData:
  4. EPA WATERS Database:

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